Non-surgical Rehabilitation
When you begin physical therapy at STAR Physical Therapy, our treatment of an interdigital neuroma usually begins with our physical therapist evaluating your shoes and recommending changes in your foot wear. Our physical therapist may suggest firm-soled shoes that have a wide forefoot, or toe box. The added space in this part of the shoe keeps the metatarsals from getting squeezed inside the shoe. We may also place a special metatarsal pad within your shoe under the ball of your foot. The pad is designed to spread the metatarsals apart and take pressure off the neuroma.
These simple changes to your footwear may allow you to resume normal walking immediately. But we recommend that you cut back on more vigorous activities for several weeks to allow the inflammation and pain to subside.
In addition to changing the shoes that you wear, our physical therapist will also apply direct treatments to the painful area to help control pain and swelling. Examples include ultrasound, moist heat, and soft-tissue massage. Our therapy sessions sometimes include iontophoresis, which uses a mild electrical current to push anti-inflammatory medicine, prescribed by your doctor, into the sore area. This treatment is especially helpful for patients who can't tolerate injections.
Post-surgical Rehabilitation
You may require crutches for a few days after surgery, and our physical therapist can halp you learn to properly move about without further injuring your foot. Your foot will remain tender for several days. The incision will be protected with a bandage or dressing for about one week after surgery. The stitches are generally removed in 10 to 14 days. However, if your surgeon chose to use sutures that dissolve, you won't need to have the stitches taken out.
When you visit STAR Physical Therapy after your surgery, our physical therapist will develop a personalized rehabilitation program to help speed our recovery. When your recovery is well under way, regular visits to STAR Physical Therapy will end. Although we will continue to be a resource, you will eventually be in charge of doing therapeutic exercises as part of an ongoing home program.
STAR Physical Therapy provides services for physical therapy in Fairport and Rochester.