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I wrote a blog not too long ago on why we train. In summary, I touched on how we often times get stuck going through the motions and lose sight of why we are doing what we are doing in the first place. The why is critical and should never be lost; the why drives our purpose and our purpose drives our action. My answer to why I train (and train others) was for empowerment/confidence, longevity/injury prevention, stress relief, and for the joy of overcoming limitless challenges. I thought I had i...
Posted on 2020-03-12
Exercise Enhances the Immune System There has been a lot of focus recently on the coronavirus and the potential for it to impact the health of thousands if not millions of people worldwide. While there are many uncertainties at this time, there is a lot we do know about preventing infection.  On the topic of prevention, we think about things like washing our hands, covering our mouth when we cough or sneeze, not sharing dishes and food utensils, and avoiding contact with items that may car...
Posted on 2020-03-06
With weight loss being one of the most common goals among the general population, it would make sense to focus on the scale, right? Not necessarily. I definitely believe there is value in tracking your weight/BMI, but it is not the end all be all in terms of your health. Read that again, because it’s that important. Weight is not the end all be all in terms of your health. First of all, let’s clear up that tracking BMI for adults is essentially synonymous to tracking weight. BMI is...
Posted on 2020-02-28
I feel like I need to write this to round it all out. We definitely don’t want to skip leg day. Here they are: 1.) Goblet/Landmine Squats: I prefer these variations over any sort of back squatting. Since the load is placed anteriorly (in the front of your body), it forces your abdominals to be the primary stabilizers and is ultimately a safer option (in my option) in terms of loading your spine.Movement: knee dominant lower body (bilateral)Primary Movers: quads, glutes, core, hamstrings ...
Posted on 2020-02-14
My Top 5 Upper Body Exercises This doesn’t need much of an intro, so…here they are: 1.) Push Ups (and variations alike):  Probably one of the most common exercises to perform in the gym is the barbell bench press, but many of us are performing this without mastering a basic push up first. Before you hit the barbell, make sure you can perform this movement properly. It’s typically a little more shoulder friendly because it is a “scap free”
Posted on 2020-01-29
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