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Aquatic Physical Therapy Aquatic physical therapy had becoming a popular treatment application for a multitude of diagnosis. Individuals who can benefits from aquatic physical therapy include, but are not limited to, those with acute, chronic or post surgical lower back and and/or leg pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, pre and post operative joint replacement, fractures and more acute injuries such as ankle and knee sprains. Our rehabilitation goals may include pain reli...
Posted on 2013-11-25
Holiday Strategies for Weight Loss Well, Thanksgiving will soon be here, and that starts the season of holiday get togethers, candy at the office, more lunches and dinners out, more traveling for some and vacations and of course, more stress than normal. Remember, the average weight gain over the Holiday season is 6-8 pounds!  Wouldn’t it be great to fall below the average? There are a few important things you must remember during the Holiday season….. Ok. ...
Posted on 2013-11-18
Vertigo Dizziness and vertigo are a very common complaint of many patients.  The most common vertigo diagnosis is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV).  BPPV is caused by atypical movement of otoconia (calcium carbonate crystals) within the inner ear canals.  The inner ear canals are filled with fluid and when the crystals float into the canals, they stimulate the receptors located in the canal, which give the patient the sensation of vertigo. BPPV symptoms can be cau...
Posted on 2013-11-11
Exercise is Medicine There is overwhelming evidence that inactivity is a modifiable risk factor for the most common chronic diseases among Americans. Of all factors contributing to disease that are within the control of the individual, diet and exercise have the greatest potential to impact health. Physical inactivity has been shown to increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, several types of cancer, obesity, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and dep...
Posted on 2013-11-04
Health tips for the Holiday Season The Holiday season is upon us.  It’s hard to believe but Friday is the 1st of November. This is the time of year where the office treats are here in full force, the weather is colder and the days are shorter; it’s easy for us to get in hibernation mode and let our health goals take the back seat. Typically this time of the year we begin the excuse of “it’s the holidays” and “I’ll get back on track January 1st.&rd...
Posted on 2013-10-28
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