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High copays for physical therapy services Happy Spring...well sort of for those of us enduring the weather fluctuations upstate New York!  One of the events that occurs every spring is the New York Physical Therapy Association Lobby Day in Albany.  This is an event where physical therapists from around the state meet in Albany with legislators to discuss important legislation related to the practice and delivery of physical therapy services.  This event will take place on May 13 ...
Posted on 2014-04-21
Preparation for Golf Season After a long and cold winter, warmer temperatures are rapidly approaching, (hopefully), and with that comes the return of golf season.  As is typical during the winter months, we do not maintain our fitness level (proper flexibility and strength) that we developed in the previous golf seasons. It is important that we re-develop these so we do not injure ourselves as we return to the game that we love.  With the appropriate planning, initiation of flexibilit...
Posted on 2014-04-07
STAR Physical Therapy, April 23rd, 2014 at 11:00
Free Optimal Health & Wellness Informational Meeting Are you Sick and Tired of being Overweight? Do you suffer from the plethora of medical problems associated with being overweight…muscle and joint pain, fatigue, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or just low self -esteem? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, this may be the program for you!  Come hear about a safe weight loss program, established and researched at the reputable Joh...
Posted on 2014-03-26
It’s ok…go ahead and rest. When it comes to injury prevention and recovery, rest is highly underrated. The body is not a static system but an incredibly dynamic organism that is constantly going through periods of breakdown and rebuilding. Regardless of the type of stress applied to this complex system, one thing is certain; the importance of rest cannot be overlooked. Lets look at a few examples of how rest can be incredibly important for both athletic development and injury recov...
Posted on 2014-03-24
Shoulder Impingement One of the most common causes of shoulder pain is impingement or “pinching” of the soft tissue structures in the shoulder.  Some of the most common sites of impingement are the tendons of the rotator cuff, such as the supraspinatus tendon, the bicep tendon, and the sub-acromial bursa.  Shoulder impingement can be quite painful and many patients initially believe that they are headed straight to surgery because the pain can be intense at times.  Ho...
Posted on 2014-03-17
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