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Welcome to the STAR PT Web Blog

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Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: What is it?  Now that summer is in full swing, many people find themselves more active and perhaps experimenting with a new sport or other physical activity.  Sometimes short-term muscle soreness can be part of that experience. There is a phenomenon referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMA) that can be associated with performing a new physical task, or with higher intensity ‘usual’ exercise.  The muscle soreness can vary in int...
Posted on 2014-07-16
“Extreme” fitness – is it right for you? The culture of health and fitness is constantly evolving, and new, exciting methods of achieving both glory and self-punishment through exercise are always emerging. As with anything trendy, some ideas catch on for a bit but quickly fizzle as they lose credibility, lose their “freshness”, or are just plain stupid (“Shake-weight” anyone?). However, every once in a while, as if by luck or sheer persistence, some of...
Posted on 2014-07-07
Balance  Accidental falls are a leading cause of injury and death in people over 65 years of age worldwide. Impaired balance is a significant underlying factor in falls.  Any condition that impacts movement health can compromise balance, and advancing age is also strongly associated with balance deficits. The healthcare community is placing more emphasis on assessing balance among people at risk for impairment. There are many ways to measure balance, some more complex than others. A ...
Posted on 2014-07-01
How to Measure Progress with Physical Therapy  Most people seek services from an orthopedic physical therapist because: (1) they have musculoskeletal pain, and/or (2) they cannot function as well as they need to because of their condition. Physical therapists perform a comprehensive clinical examination in order to diagnose the patient’s condition and to establish an appropriate treatment plan. The examination consists of tests and measures designed to determine what the problem is,...
Posted on 2014-06-24
Protecting Your Spine   One of the most common, immediate causes of low back pain involves injury to the intervertebral disc (IVD). The IVD is a connective tissue structure interposed between 2 spinal vertebrae.  This structure functions to attenuate spinal loading or absorb shock. IVD’s exist throughout the spine, but tend to cause more problems in the lower back compared to other spinal regions. The disc has 2 basic components: the outer annular fibers (annulus fibrosis), and...
Posted on 2014-06-17
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