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Welcome to the STAR PT Web Blog

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The Role of Exercise in Movement Health  We typically think of exercise as helping to improve muscle strength, joint mobility, and overall cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Most people do not consider that a key benefit of exercise is to improve body and movement awareness. Body tissues such as joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, all contain proprioceptors. Proprioception means “sense of self”. Proprioceptors are sensors that relay information such as muscle length, mu...
Posted on 2016-04-26
Anterior Knee Pain  Sometimes physicians and physical therapists will use the term “anterior knee pain” to describe activity related pain that is located in front of the knee. So what is anterior knee pain? First of all, it is not a specific condition. There are many structures or tissues that can give rise to anterior knee pain. A common coause of anterior knee pain is inflammation or irritation of the patella-femoral joint, which is part of the knee joint complex. This is cal...
Posted on 2016-04-19
ACL Injuries: Surgical versus Non-surgical Treatment  There are approximately 200,000 ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) injuries in the US every year. ACL injuries usually occur in active individuals, especially those participating in sports. The most common sports associated with ACL injury are basketball, soccer, skiing and football. About half of these injures are treated with surgical reconstruction procedures. So who should have surgery and who should opt for conservative care? A rece...
Posted on 2016-04-04
Chronic Tendon Pain  Tendon pain is a common problem among active individuals seen in physical therapy practice. The most common sites for tendon pain include the elbow (involvement of the extensor muscles wrist and hand muscles), heel (achilles tendon), shoulder  (rotator cuff tendons) and the hip (gluteal tendons). Tendon problems may begin as an inflamed tendon following exposure to excessive stress. Tendonitis is best treated with activity modification, ice, and if necessary, ove...
Posted on 2016-03-28
Exercise is Better than Drugs for Chronic Pain  This past week, the Centers for Disease Control released clinical guidelines on the use of opioid medications for chronic pain. Chronic pain was defined as pain lasting greater than 3 months, or pain lasting past the time required for tissue healing after injury. It is important to know that clinical guidelines are derived from a thorough review and analysis of medical research studies. Among other recommendations, the CDC concludes that, ou...
Posted on 2016-03-21
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