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The Benefits of Exercise After years of extensive research, it is difficult to deny that there are countless benefits of exercise…but what exactly are they? To many, it is no surprise that exercise can improve athletic performance, enhance musculoskeletal health, and aid in weight loss. However, these benefits extend much further than the eye can see.   Scientifically speaking, exercise can decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease (the number one cause of death in the US), type...
Posted on 2016-09-13
What is Wellness Part 2: “So…Where Do I Begin?” Now that you know what wellness is, you may be wondering where to start. Well, since there are several different dimensions of wellness, there are several different angles you can take. However, starting at one dimension is not always as practical and/or efficient as the next. Considering the nature of the wellness components, it seems as though pursuing physical wellness first may be the most reasonable and influential approach...
Posted on 2016-08-31
What is Wellness? Recently, the term “wellness” has been tossed around quite a bit, but what exactly does this mean? Simply put, wellness is defined as “the state or condition of being in good physical and mental health.” However, the concept in it’s entirety is not quite as simple as it’s definition. Wellness can be broken down into the following six dimensions:  Physical wellness (i.e. fitness, nutrition) Intellectual wellness (i.e. finding solutio...
Posted on 2016-08-18
What Types of Problems Do Physical Therapists Treat?  Many people are not aware of the types of problems that physical therapists manage. Physical therapists treat a variety of conditions. The common denominator of all of these conditions is that they involve movement dysfunction. Anything that impacts your ability to move in a relatively pain-free way can fall within the scope of physical therapy practice. Most of the time physical therapy care is associated with injuries or for post-sur...
Posted on 2016-08-09
The impact of Exercise on the Brain  We hear a lot about the positive effects of exercise on the body. Every major system of the body benefits from exercise, especially the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine systems. Recently, however, attention has turned to the positive effect of exercise on the brain, which of course is part of the nervous system. This is an exciting and growing area of research. There are many aspects of brain function that have been found to im...
Posted on 2016-07-19
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