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We’ve all been there - an intense workout the previous day has you achy and sore the next. Unfortunately, this can sometimes defer us from returning to the gym; however, getting into a  regular exercise routine can actually help alleviate some of this soreness in the long run.  So what exactly causes soreness? A common thought is that it is caused by a build up of lactic acid; however, research has indicated that this is nothing more than a myth. Lactate, which causes the sensa...
Posted on 2017-06-13
Have you ever bent over to pick something off the ground? Placed a baby in a crib? Performed an acceleration movement in a sport? If so, you have performed what is a called a “hip hinge.” This movement pattern is seen constantly in both sport and everyday life; however, there are several common faults that, if done continuously, can result in low back pain/injury.  Essentially, a hip hinge is exactly what is sounds like. Commonly confused with a squat (where the movement is pri...
Posted on 2017-05-30
Interval Training For ALL Whether you are 17 or 70, most of us have come across the thought: “what type of exercise is right for me?” A recent study released by the New York Times sheds light onto how certain types of exercise can effect us all the way down to the cellular level. As we age, our muscle cells are slower and less likely to regenerate due to our diminishing mitochondria. However, research suggests that certain types of workouts can take back what aging can sometime...
Posted on 2017-05-16
With food, there is fad - and one of these current fads seems to be “less carbs, more protein.” Of course, an overconsumption of carbohydrates (especially “refined carbs” such as white breads, white pastas, etc.) can be somewhat detrimental; however, an overconsumption of any macronutrient can be detrimental - including protein. Right now, most Americans consume about twice the amount of protein that they need. Since protein cannot be stored in the body, the extra is eith...
Posted on 2017-05-02
Want to hear something NEAT? How to overcome the negative side-effects of sedentary behavior Although more attention has recently been placed on limiting sedentary behavior, many still believe that 30-90 minutes of exercise per day can negate the adverse effects of sitting. However, according to the ASCM, “sedentariness is detrimental even among individuals who meet the current physical activity recommendations” (150 minutes/week of moderate intensity aerobic exercise OR 75 minutes/...
Posted on 2017-04-18
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