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You can always find a reason to not go the gym: “I’m tired,” “I’ll start tomorrow,” “one day won’t make a difference,” “I don't know what I’m doing,” “I don't want to hurt myself,” “I don’t have time,” etc. More often that not, it is a difficult task to get yourself up and get moving. This is where a personal trainer comes in. For every reason that is listed above, a personal trainer has an ans...
Posted on 2018-03-20
A recent study compared athletes who participated in regular strength training versus athletes who did not - and the differences were worth noting. In summary, consistent strength training resulted in greater muscular strength, which is associated with greater force production, an enhancement of overall sports skills such as jumping, sprinting, and agility, and an increase in sport-specific performance. Simultaneously, it was found that efficient and proper strength training can play a signific...
Posted on 2018-03-06
Staying active is difficult enough; staying active in the cold winter months is a whole different story. The warm sun and brisk air make the outdoors an inviting place to be in the Spring, Summer, and Fall; however, once frigid temperatures and piles of heavy snow begin to set in, sinking into the couch with a blanket almost always sounds like the better option. While there should always be room for relaxation, we sometimes take this too far in the Winter. Below are some ways to stay active in ...
Posted on 2018-02-20
By definition, Parkinson’s disease is disorder of the central nervous system that causes dopamine levels to drop and leads to symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, loss and balance, and slow movement. There is no current cure for the disease, but there are ways to control and/or slow the decline. The most common way is though medication. Dopamine promoters, antidepressants, and anti-tremor meds are often prescribed to individuals with Parkinson’s. These can be extremely helpful in te...
Posted on 2018-02-06
If you google search the word “diet”, you are overloaded with 230 million plus results. These results consist of articles, advertisements, and websites about fat blasting and weight loss that are sure to make your head spin. With endless varying information out there, it is nearly impossible to find a reliable plan that is right for you. The goal of this blog is not to find you a perfect plan; the goal is to give you some insight into some of the worst and best ranked diets out ther...
Posted on 2018-01-26
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