
Welcome to the STAR PT Web Blog

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Snow Shoveling tips! It’s that time of year again! ‘Tis the season to celebrate family, friends, good food, and getting cozy in your jammies. Unfortunately, it is also time for shoveling snow.   Here are some tips to help keep your body feeling good and injury free. Warm up before you shovel! Often times, many are doing this first thing early in the morning before they’ve even had a cup of coffee! This is when your body is likely to be the stiffest it will be ...
Posted on 2019-12-04
The Physical Stress Theory is a comprehensive approach that has evolved from several pre-existing theories in an attempt to simplify Physical Therapy and create a guide for application. The theory essentially discusses physical stress and its adaptive effect on our biological tissue. The five tissue responses are: atrophy (not enough stress), maintenance (equal amounts of stress), hypertrophy (enough stress), injury (too much stress), and death (excessive stress). As easily as this theory can b...
Posted on 2019-11-22
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Shoulder impingement syndrome is a common condition leading to pain in the shoulder region. Rather than a specific diagnosis, it is collection of signs and symptoms and can involve one or more of several shoulder structures. Due to a fairly narrow space between the top of the long bone of the upper arm (humerus) and the overhanging rim of the shoulder blade, tissues interposed can become compressed. This leads to pain in the front and side of the shoulder, particul...
Posted on 2019-11-14
Why do we train? Every so often I find it useful to take a step back and ask why? Many people have developed daily habits and routines that they have been doing for years, but have lost sight of the reason they began doing these things in the first place. From here, it is easy to fall into complacency and fail to find motivation to progress. Why is what drives us into action and betterment. Exercise is one scenario in which this situation can easily be applied. At some point or another, you ha...
Posted on 2019-11-09
Blood Flow Restriction Training is here! We are super excited to announce that STAR Physical Therapy now offers blood flow restriction training (BFR)! We are proud to be the first physical therapy clinic in the Rochester area to initiate this innovative treatment option.  We have invested in the top-notch Delfi unit; considered to be the gold standard for BFR training. Please read on for more information and feel free to reach out to our certified BFR practitioner Rob Wager, DPT, OCS wit...
Posted on 2019-10-29
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