
Welcome to the STAR PT Web Blog

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Athletics and Longevity Athletics are and always have been a colossal part of my life. I was lucky to enough to not only play a sport that I loved throughout high school and college, but now have been given the opportunity to coach and run the women’s basketball strength and conditioning at Nazareth College. Through both my experience as an athlete and everything I’ve learned in school/my experience as a trainer, I’ve been able to develop (what I hope is) a clear perspective...
Posted on 2020-01-16
6 Tips To Help Make Training More Enjoyable (Or Less Miserable) I get it - not all of us like to exercise. I swear I’m not one of those trainers who thinks everybody should love it as much as I do (and sometimes I don’t even love it). I believe some people find more joy in expressing themselves physically than others…and there’s nothing wrong with that.  But, whether we like it or not, we all should exercise and/or move our bodies in some way, shape, or form. ...
Posted on 2020-01-03
Physical Therapy is Not a Specific Treatment  We often see reference to “physical therapy” as though it was a specific form of treatment. For example, “I had physical therapy for my back pain…” Physical therapy is essentially care provided by a licensed physical therapist. Physical therapists have many intervention tools available to them, including but not limited to: exercise therapy, manual therapy, physical modalities (electrotherapy, ultrasound), patient...
Posted on 2019-12-26
My Top 5 Core Exercises When discussing fitness goals, almost every person I come across will list “core strength” as one of their top three - and for good reason.  A stronger core will: Improve your posture Improve your balance Protect/ bulletproof your low back Help solidify and coordinate any functional, multi-joint movement you perform (whether it be in the gym or daily life) Serve as your link between your upper and lower extremities Enhance your overall movement ...
Posted on 2019-12-20
This time of year can be rough on our health. Between the holidays, cold weather, and short days, we have a tendency to fall into a state of overindulgence, inactivity, and hibernation. It doesn’t help that nature is seemingly working against us by pushing us into “energy conservation mode.” Not to say that there is not a time and place for this, but too much of it can end up taking a toll on our mental and physical health.  Below are some tips to help us fight against ...
Posted on 2019-12-08
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