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Welcome to the STAR PT Web Blog

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Physical Therapy is Not a Specific Treatment  We often see reference to “physical therapy” as though it was a specific form of treatment. For example, “I had physical therapy for my back pain…” Physical therapy is essentially care provided by a licensed physical therapist. Physical therapists have many intervention tools available to them, including but not limited to: exercise therapy, manual therapy, physical modalities (electrotherapy, ultrasound), patient...
Posted on 2019-12-26
My Top 5 Core Exercises When discussing fitness goals, almost every person I come across will list “core strength” as one of their top three - and for good reason.  A stronger core will: Improve your posture Improve your balance Protect/ bulletproof your low back Help solidify and coordinate any functional, multi-joint movement you perform (whether it be in the gym or daily life) Serve as your link between your upper and lower extremities Enhance your overall movement ...
Posted on 2019-12-20
This time of year can be rough on our health. Between the holidays, cold weather, and short days, we have a tendency to fall into a state of overindulgence, inactivity, and hibernation. It doesn’t help that nature is seemingly working against us by pushing us into “energy conservation mode.” Not to say that there is not a time and place for this, but too much of it can end up taking a toll on our mental and physical health.  Below are some tips to help us fight against ...
Posted on 2019-12-08
Snow Shoveling tips! It’s that time of year again! ‘Tis the season to celebrate family, friends, good food, and getting cozy in your jammies. Unfortunately, it is also time for shoveling snow.   Here are some tips to help keep your body feeling good and injury free. Warm up before you shovel! Often times, many are doing this first thing early in the morning before they’ve even had a cup of coffee! This is when your body is likely to be the stiffest it will be ...
Posted on 2019-12-04
The Physical Stress Theory is a comprehensive approach that has evolved from several pre-existing theories in an attempt to simplify Physical Therapy and create a guide for application. The theory essentially discusses physical stress and its adaptive effect on our biological tissue. The five tissue responses are: atrophy (not enough stress), maintenance (equal amounts of stress), hypertrophy (enough stress), injury (too much stress), and death (excessive stress). As easily as this theory can b...
Posted on 2019-11-22
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